Tech Tidbits - Ruby, Ruby On Rails, Merb, .Net, Javascript, jQuery, Ajax, CSS...and other random bits and pieces.

Saturday, July 26, 2008

authentication token

I had a need to both validate the source of data sent to a web service and to only accept the data if it was sent within a limited time period. One thing I didn't need, (but I imagine would be necessary in most cases) was to only allow the request once, in which case you would probably want to store the token in a database and flag it once it had been "redeemed."

To create the token, first concatenate current time in epoch seconds (or whatever time format you like, but stick with UTC since the end user may be any where in the world), username, and a password, then m5d and base64 that concatenated string and prepend it with the same timestamp, separated by a colon (':').

require 'digest/md5'
require 'base64'

# Username/password
UID = 'marypoppins'
PWD = "supercalifragilisticexpialidocious"

# create token using utc secconds, uid, and pwd
def create_token(t=nil)
timestamp = t ||
plaintext = timestamp + UID + PWD
md5 = Digest::MD5.digest(plaintext)
return timestamp + ':' + Base64.encode64(md5).strip

# validate token
def validate_token(token)
token_timestamp = token.split(':')[0]
token2 = create_token(token_timestamp)
return token == token2 ? true : false

# validate timestamp and token
def validate_token_and_timestamp(token,num_secs=60)
token_timestamp = token.split(':')[0]
return nil if - token_timestamp.to_i > num_secs
token2 = create_token(token_timestamp)
return token == token2 ? true : false

The most basic example: create a token and validate it by creating a new token using the timestamp in the original token with the known user id and password. If the two tokens match, the original token is valid (which it will be in this contrived example):

# create a token and validate
if (validate_token(create_token))
puts "Valid token"
puts "Invalid token"

To check if the token was passed within a certain time period, just compare the timestamp on the original token with current time.

# create a token and validate timestamp and token
if (validate_token_and_timestamp(create_token,10))
puts "Valid token"
puts "Invalid token"

For demonstration only, use sleep to timeout a token:

# create a token, but let token timeout before trying to validate
timeout_token = create_token
sleep 15
if (validate_token_and_timestamp(timeout_token,10))
puts "Valid token"
puts "Invalid token"

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Developer (Ruby on Rails, iOS), musician/composer, Buddhist, HSP, Vegan, Aspie.
