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Friday, June 8, 2007

APT Quick Reference

I found this handy apt-get Phil's APT Quick Reference...

Download and install package:

apt-get install package

Update apt's list of available packages:

apt-get update

Upgrade all installed packages with upgrades available:

apt-get upgrade

Upgrade to new distro, or in general upgrade anything available for update including core system packages:

apt-get dist-upgrade

Uninstall package:

apt-get remove package

Uninstall package, and its config files, and don't leave it in the database as 'uninstalled':

apt-get --purge remove package

Search for a package like pattern:

apt-cache search pattern

Get information on installed package:

dpkg -s package

Find which installed package file belongs to:

dpkg -S inetd.conf

List which files are in package:

apt-file list package

Find out what packages provide file:

apt-file search file

Run a command (such as ./configure or make) and have all necessary packages installed as needed:

auto-apt run command

Unless specified, the package in reference doesn't have to be already installed for these to work... but the database needs to be updated. You can update the appropriate database via:

apt-get update


auto-apt update


apt-file update

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Developer (Ruby on Rails, iOS), musician/composer, Buddhist, HSP, Vegan, Aspie.
